Can lose 10 kg in a month

The goals for losing weight are very different, along with the ways to achieve them. One prefers a smooth weight loss regimen, the body is not under great stress, and its owner - a constant feeling of hunger. For others, it is easier to limit themselves to literally everything for a month, only to lose a dozen kilograms during this period. Does it make sense to rush like that, and how does the body feel if you lose 10 kg in a month? Are there safe ways to achieve this result?

Enough or small?

Are there safe routes

In fact, 10 kilograms is lost without harm to health only to those whose initial body weight is much higher than the norm, and whose body mass index is above 30. This means, witha person's height over 170 cm, his body weight is more than 100 kilograms. And, after getting rid of 10 kg, he will lose only 10% of his weight, which doctors consider the maximum acceptable rate of weight loss.

However, most of those who want to lose weight fast and have a much lower body mass index - from 25 to 28. With a BMI of 25 (which is the upper limit of the norm! ), the weight with a height of 170 cm is about 72 kg. And if you lose 10 kg in a month, 14% of the mass will be lost, and this can already have unpleasant consequences for health.

Therefore, before you set yourself such a task, think about what is more important to you: at any cost as soon as possible to get together or move towards the intended goal a little quieter, but without harming your own body!

Absolutely everyone can lose 10 kg in 3 months without much effort, but at the same time, the lost fat is almost guaranteed not to come back, as often happens with rapid weight loss.

General rules

For those who want to maintain a healthy body and beautiful skin, nails and hair, it is best to lose 10 kg in 2 months, and not in one. But if you still want to resort to extreme methods or if your weight is much higher than the norm, at least try to follow the general rules that will help with the possible negative consequences of weight loss. fast minimization:

  • Drink plenty of water - 1. At least 5 liters per day. This will reduce the burden on the kidneys and cardiovascular system, allow you to quickly remove toxins and toxins and maintain beautiful skin.
  • Throw away all convenience and canned food. They contain many chemical additives that do not contribute to rapid weight loss and poison the body.
  • Eliminate sugar, baked goods, and confectionery from your diet. If you really want something sweet, you can enjoy honey or dried fruit in small quantities.
  • Choose low-fat dairy products. This will allow the body to get enough calcium to maintain the strength of bones and teeth, but will reduce daily fat intake.
  • diet meat
  • Eat diet meat: chicken breast, veal, lean beef, rabbit. Moreover, it is best to evaporate or boil, in extreme cases, fry it on the grill, but not in a pan with the addition of oil.
  • Eat seafood. They are very beneficial as they contain a huge amount of minerals and trace elements that help keep the metabolism at a high level.
  • Cut out alcohol. In addition to the fact that it retains water in the body, its decomposing products poison the body, overload the liver and kidneys, and destroy the brain. Regular obesity consumption of beer leads to female obesity due to the high content of phytoestrogens in the drink.
  • Eat fractionally. This will allow the body to digest food in a high quality way, burn the calories obtained smoothly and without putting fat in reserve.
  • Carbohydrates - in the morning. Those carbohydrates you don’t have time to consume a day will settle on your side in the form of overnight fat deposits. If you want to lose 10 kg in a month - a carbohydrate dinner is not for you!
  • Careful with nuts. Nuts, seeds and dried fruit are the perfect snack for those on any diet. It helps to alleviate hunger quickly and provides valuable nutrients to the body. But don’t forget about calories. The daily rate is no more than a handful of such a combination!
  • Juices and sodas. Any carbonated beverages stick to the lining of the stomach and can stimulate inflammation. They should be excluded from the diet. 1-2 glasses of freshly squeezed juice are left on the menu.
  • Get more fiber. Plant coarse fibers perform three useful functions at the same time: they eliminate hunger for a long time, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, adsorb and remove toxins. Their main source is fresh vegetables and fruits, bran, sprouted seeds and whole grain breads.

Already just on these rules, you can easily lose 10 kilograms in just two months, and if you add regular sports to this, then even faster.

Important! Ideally, such principles of nutrition should be the norm for everyone, in this case, the weight will decrease slightly in two or three months, then stabilize and be maintained at the same level.

TOP 10 diets

For those who do not leave the idea: "I want to lose 10 kg faster! ", there are more strict types of diets, which are mainly posted on the Internet. Nutrients do not like very large methods, since most of them slow down the metabolism and disrupt the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Below are the popular TOP-10 diets, which are not the reviews among those who have lost the most weight:

  1. Curd. Within a week, consume half a kilogram of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat) and half a liter of low-fat kefir per day. Gradually add 1-2 fruits per day, 10-150 grams of whole grain bread.
  2. Vegetarian. Meat, poultry, fish are excluded from the diet, and in the hard version - all products of animal origin. Vegetables - raw or steamed - make up 80% of the diet.
  3. Egg. Breakfast and dinner - 2 hard boiled eggs, a slice of black bread, tea. For lunch - soup on a low-fat meat or vegetable broth, a piece of lean meat with a vegetable side dish.
  4. Protein
  5. . The basis of the cooked meat diet is a low-fat diet (usually chicken breast) and cooked, fresh or ground vegetables. 1-2 results per day are allowed.
  6. Apple DietApple. In fact, a coin-diet, you can stay on it for no longer than 7 days, and takes an average kilogram of body weight. The total diet is 1. 5 kilograms of green apples and water.
  7. Cereal. Diet on cereals, boiled in water, without the addition of salt and oil. 2 times a day, you can eat a vegetable salad with lemon dressing. It is very difficult to sit on it for a whole month. Juice
  8. . It is assumed that only freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are in the diet. If you sit on it for more than a week, it helps you lose 5 to 10 kilograms. But with prolonged use, tooth enamel is destroyed, stomach pains appear, and constipation begins.
  9. Results
  10. . Only unsweetened fruits remain in the diet, which can be eaten up to 2 kg per day. Alternatives to low-fat dairy products (at various meals) are allowed.
  11. Chocolate
  12. . A very tough version of the coin diet, which allows you to eat 100 grams of dark dark chocolate and drink green tea in unlimited quantities per day. Dietary abuse can lead to various diseases.
  13. Coffee shop. Before each meal (4-5 times a day) a cup of coffee is drunk. This allows you to eat less and speeds up your metabolism. But it overloads the heart and increases blood pressure.

As you can see, not all effective diets that allow you to get rid of up to 10 kilograms per month are balanced.

Reviews of those who have tried to deal with excess weight in such ways confirm that general well-being after the first week is deteriorating significantly. So is it worth tolerating or is it better to choose a healthier, spark method?

Restrictions and infringements

The use of any unbalanced diets and losing weight too fast is strictly contradictory:

  • restrictions during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in the presence of any chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • acute hepatic or renal failure;
  • problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • after recent serious injuries and surgeries;
  • with active inflammatory processes in the body;
  • if immunity is significantly reduced for any reason;
  • during intense physical activity and / or strength training.

Unbalanced nutrition and inadequate caloric intake can lead to catastrophic consequences in these cases, up to and including death.

Physicians have found that those who frequently go on low-calorie diets or starve, developing a serious mental illness that usually interferes with eating, gradually develops anorexia. His insidiousness is that it is very difficult for a layman to catch the first signs. And when the disease manifests itself in full force, only an experienced psychiatrist can get rid of it. Placement in a special clinic is often required.


With an initial weight of 100 kg or more, you can lose 10 kg in a month without physical exercise, but reduce the diet consuming by 20%. But the result obtained in this way is unlikely to suit you. A figure that loses weight quickly, is left without a layer of fat, blurs and loses its clear outline. The face becomes completely shapeless, the skin bags, and it becomes difficult to see the muscles in their fold.

Active physical activity allows you to maintain muscle tone, maintain a high metabolic rate and increase the calorie deficit, which now arises not only due to reducing the normal diet, but also through regular training. Gradually the muscle frame is replaced by the fat layer that disappears, leaving the skin tight and beautiful.

At the basic level, walking for an hour at moderately vigorous progress or half an hour of aerobic training is enough. Gradually, the load should increase, since the body adapts to it quickly.

Strength training should only be done when most of the fat has already been eliminated. Otherwise, you can get the opposite result: build muscle under the fat layer and become even bigger.

How to lose 10 kg per month

The statement that there are no ways to lose 10 kg a month is unhealthy is an irresistible fact. For this reason, it is important to listen to the advice of professionals, including nutritionists and fitness instructors. In general, the issue of losing weight in a month of any number of kilograms should be comprehensively addressed, review your diet and include physical activity in the daily routine. There are many options - from proper nutrition to calorie-restricted coin diets. Weight loss exercises also have types depending on the zone you want to work out.


The simplest option is to separate prohibited and permitted foods. Eating on this principle for the entire 4 weeks and exercising at least a few times a week will make you lose weight easily. The list of prohibited foods includes:

  • and other fatty foods;
  • alcohol
  • ;
  • salt
  • ;
  • sugar
  • and all sweet foods;
  • spices
  • ;
  • sauces
  • , mayonnaise, kettle;
  • fried and smoked dishes;
  • soda
  • ;
  • chips
  • ;
  • packaged juices
  • ;
  • fatty meats
  • ;
  • Flour products
  • .
lean meats

By eliminating these foods, you will already start losing weight. Replace them with healthy food, including:

  • fresh, stewed, boiled or baked vegetables, excluding potatoes;
  • skimmed milk and fermented milk products
  • ;
  • boiled eggs
  • ;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • cereals
  • ;
  • whole grain bread;
  • unsweetened fruit.

Based on these two lists, you can lose weight for more than a month without a specific diet. But there are also special techniques aimed at getting rid of excess weight. You can get good results in a month by using:

  • Japanese Diet. It is based on the use of proteins. It can last between 7 and 14 days. The basis of the diet is foods that satisfy hunger quickly, such as fish, meat, eggs, olive oil, fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Slimming Exercises

Depending on the specific purpose, you can choose strength or aerobic activity for the diet, i. e. cardio. The latter are more effective in terms of fat burning and volume reduction. Strength exercises do not allow the skin to sag, which is especially important with weight loss so fast in a month. Anyway, you can’t suddenly start playing sports if the load was previously limited to a simple climbing stair. The first should be with light warm-ups, long walks, and only experiment with 15-minute workouts. Then the load can be gradually increased.

No diets

You can lose weight not only thanks to diets, but also a few simple rules. The first of these is the mandatory reduction in calorie intake. It can be anything, the main thing is that you have a daily energy deficit. It means consuming more calories than you eat. Thanks to this, the body removes the energy from its own reserves. In addition to calories, it is important to follow some simple rules:

  • reduce the diet to 1500-2000 kcal, and the serving size to 200-250 g;
  • eat
  • 4-5 times a day, watching breaks between meals at 3-4 hours;
  • stop sneaking
  • while watching TV or in front of the computer;
  • do not limit to
  • food after 6 o'clock - it is more correct to eat late dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • replaces all simple carbohydrates with complex ones, i. e. not to eat sweets, but cereals;
  • Include
  • fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet;
  • for preparing food by stew, boiling, baking or steaming;
  • Do not abandon
  • your favorite delicacies altogether, but eat them in small quantities and preferably in the morning;
  • Use the right spices such as ginger, cinnamon, red pepper, turmeric and mustard.
mandatory reduction of calorie intake

Proper nutrition minus 10 kg per month

The rules above apply to the type of diet like nutrition. Although this technique is often even considered a way of life, because its principles can be adhered to for a certain amount of time. The basis of a balanced diet is the amount of proteins and carbohydrates a person needs. The diet does not exclude sweets, but they should be healthy, for example, marshmallows, cheesecake, marmalade or regular curd casserole. The main dishes of proper nutrition are also healthy and not as tasty. You can study the detailed menu below.


The main principle of the diet in the form of proper nutrition is the mandatory breakfast. You leave absent until you break an evening. In the morning you can also eat something sweet. Lunch should include some carbohydrates and proteins, and dinner should only include proteins. A sample menu based on these principles can be devised as follows:

  • - rice with a slice of bread, small fruit, green salad and lemon tea;
  • Snack
  • - yogurt, some cottage cheese, fruit;
  • Lunch
  • - low fat fish with vegetable salad, 2 toast, still mineral water;
  • afternoon tea
  • - a handful of nuts or dried fruit;
  • Dinner
  • - stewed vegetables with steamed cutlet, slice of bread, water or tea with lemon.

Effective weight loss diets 10 kg

While it nourishes properly and gives good results, many choose diets from the category “lose 10 kg weight per month. ” Some effective techniques can be distinguished here. The most difficult option is explicit diets, limiting the diet to one or two meals. They suffer more weight loss due to water loss. There are good reviews of protein diet, which you can lose weight fast, because protein is a natural fat burner. The vegan method has excellent results with restriction in meat diet and excess of plant foods.

Mono Diet

Kezir diets are classified as highly effective diets. It will not take a month to lose weight, just 10 days. One of them should be unloading, when you can not eat anything for a day, but only drink water. The basis for the remaining days is kefir with a fat content not exceeding 2. 5%. A certain type of product is added every day:

  • 1 - 400 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 - 500 g of cooked chicken fillet;
  • 3 - 500 g of fruit;
  • 4 - 500 g of fresh vegetables;
  • 5 - fasting days;
  • 6-10 days - any of the rations of the first 4 days a day.
House cheese


Its main difference is the lack of meat. Prohibited foods include coffee, alcohol and peppers. In this case, the daily menu may include the following products and dishes:

boiled buckwheat or boiled rice
  • ;
  • bunting
  • on water;
  • stewed, steamed or grilled vegetables;
  • Rye bread
  • ;
  • boiled eggs
  • ;
  • olive oil
  • ;
  • mushrooms
  • ;
  • kefir, low-fat cottage milk and cheese;
  • unsweetened fruit.


Another great option is a protein diet. In addition, it helps maintain muscle tone. The basic principle is the almost complete restriction of carbohydrates. They are replaced by protein. It is recommended to combine this diet with exercise during the month. This will help shape the body. Sample menu for a month:

  • breakfast - milk or any other fermented milk drink;
  • Snack
  • - 150 g rice porridge;
  • lunch
  • - lean meat with sliced ​​vegetables or a bowl of soup in a low-fat broth;
  • afternoon tea
  • - cottage cheese with natural yogurt;
  • dinner
  • - 2 boiled eggs, some fish;
  • before bed - a glass of fresh oranges or apples.

10kg Weight Loss Plan

In addition to drafting a diet plan for a month, it is recommended to develop a training system for more effective weight loss. It will depend on whether you exercise at home or go to the gym. When making a monthly plan, women should focus on cardio, which, combined with a diet, helps to burn fat in a more efficient way. Men are more suited to heavy strength loads that help build muscle. When choosing exercises, be sure to consider their complexity, especially if you are a beginner athlete.

At home

Even at home, you can do it effectively with just a few dumbbells and weights. The beginning of the work is warming up, for example, cardio or some of the simplest exercises - squats and push-ups. At the end of the session, cooling in the form of stretching is recommended for proper muscle formation. The main exercises may consist of the following exercises, performed in 3 sets of 8-10 reps:

  • lunges, dumbbells can;
  • turning;
  • push-ups
  • ;
  • plank
  • for 30-60 seconds;
  • squats
  • , including plie;
  • raising the pelvis while lying down;
  • leg lift
  • ;
  • "scissors" or "bike".

At the gym

The principles of designing workouts for the gym remain the same. It is recommended to use a treadmill, fitness bike, elliptical as a cardio load. The basic set of exercises can be as follows:

press barbell
  • ;
  • dumbbells suite
  • ;
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders;
  • Leg extension
  • in the simulator;
  • standing arms with dumbbells;
  • rising toes in the simulator;
  • turning;
  • hyperextension
  • .
barbell bench press

Fat burning exercise minus 10 kg per month

Interval and circuit training is considered more effective in terms of fat loss. They are more intense. Specifically, interval training is an exchange for 4 minutes of complexes of 20 seconds of physical activity and 10 seconds of relaxation. For such activities, you can choose any exercise depending on the problem areas. There are squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches on the press, etc. Suitable Circular training involves doing some exercises continuously, for example:

  • ;
  • push-ups
  • ;
  • jump star
  • ;
  • any ab practice;
  • swing legs
  • ;
  • lungs
  • ;
  • exercise "bike"
  • .


I don't like diets, so I decided to lose weight simply, following some simple rules. She limited her diet to 1500 kcal per day. Eliminate sweet, fatty, fried. I did light exercises and stretching every day. For a month I only managed to lose weight by 8 kg.

I have stomach problems, so diets are contraindicated for me. On the advice of a doctor, I switched to proper nutrition. I only did cardio on a treadmill or stationary bike. The total for a month is more than 10 kg, but my weight was big at first, so I was able to lose weight so fast even without a special diet.

How to lose weight without harming your health

Why are nutritionists at the forefront united against malnutrition? It is believed that most diseases that occur in humans are the result of malnutrition with a lack of vitamins and minerals. The so-called scurvy is a great example. A very dangerous disease that can be treated with normal ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

lose weight without harming health

If a woman simply cuts her diet to reduce the level of calories consumed, as well as lose weight by 10 kilograms or more, there will be a general decline in fitness, brittle hair and nails, and pale skin. But is there a real way to lose 10 kilograms in a month, without harming health? Of course, yes, and this is the right routine.

It is the essence of weight loss

How to lose 10 kg in a month? To do this, you do not need to look for magic pills or modern sophisticated techniques that ask them to lay out a tidy sum (such as Elena Malysheva's diet), it is enough to know the principles of proper nutritionwith weight loss. At the same time, not only the stomach and sides will lose weight, but also the face, arms, legs and the whole body as a whole.

Remember that the more active the lifestyle of a person who is losing weight, the better results he can achieve in a shorter period of time without harming your health. Consuming more calories is an essential factor in successfully losing 10 kilograms. The less you move, the longer it will take.

10 kg weight loss rules:

  • Before you lose weight in a month, be sure to exclude yeast baked goods from your diet. If you can’t eat without bread, substitute pita bread or diet bread without food;
  • prefers diet meat (chicken breast, lean beef) and oven-cooked or steamed fish;
  • eats vegetables and fruits in the morning, except cabbage, which you can eat all night;
  • Have a hearty breakfast and skip dinner. Ideally, breakfast should contain no more than 30 percent of your daily calories. For dinner, it should be light and not taken no later than five hours before bedtime;
  • never makes you hungry. A hungry stomach is the worst enemy of weight loss. The constant desire to eat, not satisfying the needs of the stomach, disrupts the nutritional system, makes you feel sick and depressed. Arrange snacks with apples, dried fruit, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese or yogurt;
  • If you want to lose 10 kilograms in a month and not harm your health, remember that 80 percent of your diet should include vegetables, fruits and cereals. The rest of the gap is filled with meat and dairy products. All this should be eaten every day, taking into account the necessary calories.